Sunday, January 6, 2013

Nature Photographers Network

I've let my subscription lapse to NaturePhotographers.Net Online Magazine. My remorse is doubled because I just found out that I won First Honorable Mention in the Weekly Challenge category in the 2012 Editor's Picks Awards with this photograph. The Weekly Challenge theme that week was urban wildlife, if I recall.  
It was a complete surprise to me for this image to win anything.  I had posted it at  NPN, months ago, just for the fun of it.   Aside from a little shameless self-horn-tooting, my purpose here is to tout a great photography website –  NPN.
NaturePhotographers.Net is one of the best photography websites out there. It focuses on nature photography obviously, and it does have at least one gallery for non-nature photography. The people who hang out there, including a lot of world-class photographers, are helpful, good-natured, and knowledgeable. There are discussion forums, regional forums, and image critique galleries. Critiquing images and having your own critiqued is a great way to improve your photography. You can find out the answer to practically any question regarding nature photography and photography in general in the discussion forums.  You can hook up with photographers in your area through the regional forums. The editors publish informative articles every month. And there's a classified section for buying or selling gear. 

I highly recommend NPN as a good place to hang out on the web. You can even visit NPN's Facebook page   Try it - you'll 'like' it.

© 2013 Buck Ward                  The Photographist